The Fibonacci number sequence is a series of integers in which each is the sum of the two that precede it: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. Many naturally occurring processes and materials are governed in some way by this sequence. The pattern of solid and outlined squares of aluminum inlaid into the bubinga table top illustrate the Fibonacci sequence. Spaces between square aluminum tubes in the base follow it also. Ebonized ash legs complete the trestle-style base. Bubinga is an exquisite African hardwood that produces an exceptionally smooth surface.
Limited edition of 10
DIMENSIONS 47”W x 11”D x 28”H
MATERIALS Top: solid bubinga Base: ash (dyed black) and anodized aluminum
CARE A durable, water-resistant matte finish made from natural vegetable oils and waxes is earth-friendly and easily maintained. The finish molecularly bonds with the wood fibers and does not crack, peel or flake.
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